Dancers Talented Photographer New York City-based / 3 Hr Professional Dance Photography Session $399
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Dancers Talented Photographer New York City-based / 3 Hr Professional Dance Photography Session $399

Book Online today to schedule your Professional Dance Photoshoot Session for $399 at Tals Studio!

Dance Photographer

3 Hr Experienced Dance Photography Session $399

Exclusively designed for dancers and performers! Tals Studio offers a professional three-hour dance photoshoot to showcase your talent, creativity, and passion through the lens of our experienced dance photography session. Let us capture the beauty of your movements, the elegance of your poses, and the emotion in your performance, creating stunning images that tell the story of your dance journey.

Our photographer Zion Yoni Levy is experienced in capturing dance in all its forms. He understands the movement, timing, and expression. We'll collaborate with you to bring out the essence of your poses and choreography in the photos.

Professional Dance Photography Session $399

3 Hours Photoshoot

(100 - 120 Pictures)

Final 20 Images Within 72 Hours

Hi-Resolution Copies Perfect for Print

Low-Resolution Copies Perfect for Online

Unlimited Poses / Sittings / Changes

Online Gallery for Proofing

Book Online

For more information please feel free to give us a call at


We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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