Photographer Zion Yoni Levy captures the energy, the intensity, and the sheer joy of movement.
Dance Photographer
3 Hr Dance Photography Session $399
Are you a dancer looking to immortalize your moves, grace, and passion? Our Dance Photography services are dedicated to capturing the beauty and dynamism of your art form. From breathtaking leaps to expressive poses, we specialize in freezing those magical moments that define your journey as a dancer.
Tals Studio photographer Zion Yoni Levy has a deep understanding of dance, with over 40 years of experience he is able to ensure that your movements will be captured at their most poetic and impactful moments.
3 Hr Dance Photography Session $399
(100 - 120 Pictures)
Receive the Final 20 Images Within 72 Hours
Hi-Resolution Copies Perfect for Print
Low-Resolution Copies Perfect for Online
Online Gallery for Proofing
Unlimited Poses / Sittings / Changes
Book Online Today
or Call 646-300-2216