Tal Levy / Tals Studio

Dec 2, 20231 min

$249 Dance Photography Session NYC 1-hour photoshoot with Tals Studio skilled photographer Yoni Levy

Professional Dance Photoshoot in NYC for $249. Capture priceless moments with our experienced photographer Zion Yoni Levy

Dance Photographer NYC

Skilled Dance Photography Session in Manhattan $249

Dance is not just movement; it's an art form that tells a story, and our professional dance photography session at Tals Studio is specially designed to help you build your perfect portfolio capturing the grace, power, and emotion of your dance movements like never before.

Our photographer Zion Yoni Levy has over 40 years of experience and he specializes in dance photography. He understands the unique dynamics and timing of capturing the beauty and artistry of your dance.

Skilled Dance Photography Session in Manhattan $249

1 hour photoshoot

(75 - 100 Pictures)

Receive Final 10 Images Within 72 Hours

Hi-Resolution Copies Perfect for Print

Low-Resolution Copies Perfect for Online

Unlimited Poses / Sittings / Changes

Online Gallery for Proofing

Full usage rights

Book Online

For more information please feel free to give us a call at


We look forward to working with you!
